Saturday, January 18, 2025

My Novel "2060" - A Cover Page Idea

You might be thinking "what is this book all about?". Well, I would rather you read it than have me tell you. The cover is intended to provide some clues but parts of it probably won't make sense until Mike Stevens finishes telling his story. I felt him push me into writing this novel quite some time ago before political and social changes took place in countries like the USA, Britain and much more tragically in Ukraine. It was like a voice from the future telling me about events that were to come. Many publishers have turned "2060" down so now I am self publishing my novel before local and World events catch up with it. I have yet to work out how to finance the process of getting a paperback into print. First things first.... I will get the back cover page done as soon as I can, post it here and get the best quote from a New Zealand printer. Anyone reading this willing to take a punt with me can make contact using my profile details on the front page of this blog.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Making plates

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